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Really nice short little puzzle game, well done! At first I was confused on the Y level speration a bit, after the first water column, things snapped in place.

Webbuild full screen seems to miss almost 2 columns of map from each side, (16:10 monitor), which was kinda weird. Took me a while to realise when I didn’t seem to be able to progress.

Well done!

Thank you so much for the feedback, and we are really glad you enjoyed the game!!


Very nice art design, and a cool puzzle concept. The cool downs between the spells felt a little arbitrary though. It would be interesting to see where this concept could be taken.

Thank you a lot!!

We might post a new version sometime with all the feedback we received, and also might take out the cooldowns completely (we added them for a mechanic we couldn’t add in the end, so they do not make much sense as it is now yeah!)